Monday 20 April 2009

Every day I love you less and less


Justo antes de la siesta, leí:

'Rahel' Ammu said. 'Do you realize what you have just done?'

Frightened eyes and a fountain looked back at Ammu.

'It's all right. Don't be scared,' Ammu said. 'Just answer me. Do you?'

'What?' Rahel said with the smallest voice she had.

'Realize what you've just done' Ammu said.

Frightened eyes and a fountain looked back at Ammu.

'D'you know what happens when you hurt people?" Ammu said. "When you hurt people, they begin to love you less. That's what careless words do. They make people love you a little less.'

Arundhati Roy, The God of Small Things.

Once, para ser exactos.


1 comment:

Carol Bret said...

Una novela preciosa y una escritora maravillosa. Todo ello terminado en osa, como debe ser.