Monday 12 January 2009

Fortune telling


(((Perdón por la aerofagia. Segunda cerveza. Con gaseosa. En algunas cosas soy femenina. Femenina plural.)))

In less than ten years, I'll be forty, which must be far worse than being almost thirty-three.

¿Qué le dijo el tres al treinta?

Para ser como yo, tienes que ser sincero.


Diga treinta (30) y tres (3).

Doble hnhnhn...

Take it a few (sigh) years back on my twentieth birthday. My favourite birthday ever. Maybe not quite so. I've had grand birthdays since. Take 2008. How long have I been celebrating?

Till March 31st 2009, for the look of it.

I should be back at university. Teaching, I mean. And writing. I could write forever. If only typing wouldn't get in the way...

Toda la vida, que se dice pronto, filling up cuaderno after cuaderno.

Is it me o estoy muy bilingüe últimamente?

I also admit I'm completely AWOL.

Life happens, for better or worse.

And if worse comes to worst, siempre nos quedará París.

A mí y a Phoebe.


1 comment:

Carol Bret said...

what if better comes to better?